Minggu, 14 Agustus 2016

Ujian HER Bahasa Inggris II 2016

  1. We can send file, document or image via email using … Attach File
  2. Some OS require the user to operate, and what does make it easier to control the computer … GUI
  3. We can chat and video conference using … YahooMessenger and Skype
  4. Internet stands for …Internetworked Networks
  5. The are example chat application, except … CacoTalk and googleMotion
  6. The most common used input device is ... Keyboard
  7. The internet has several component applications,  except … RBC
  8. The Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA)  designed … ARPANET
  9. The part we accept trash email : Spam
  10. Information can be stored in storing device such as … CD-ROM 
  11. Crypthography is the practice and study of creating a … information.   Secret
  12. The example of Domain Name Service, except … united.peace.coy
  13. The OS is used by touch the screen is … Android
  14. One example of gaming device is a … Joystick
  15. Nowadays, computer is used for multimedia, except … Inventory control
  16. Transfering files to upload and download from internet  … FTP  
  17. There are OS product Apple …Macintosh
  18. The owner of Google is … Larry Pages    
  19. User send the message from one network using communication link without cable …Wireless
  20. The word “Kryptos” is come from … language. (Greek)
  21. The term software was firstly introduced by John W. Tukey in …1958
  22. Web cam is well-known for their low manufacturing costs and applications. The underlined word has the same meaning with … Famous
  23. “ This method is called wireless “ It means … Without cable
  24. One of them is not kind of Trojan horse … Virus
  25. The conventional mail is called … Snail mail
  26. Ask and Bing are kinds of:   Search engines
  27. Advanced form of communication by computer, which enables meetings to take place over long distances … Video Conferencing
  28. Malicious software can be divided into some categories, except …  Replication
  29. A person who creates and writes a program is called …  Programmer
  30. There are the social network sites, except :   WhatsApp
  31. A house size computer is … of computer    The first generation.
  32. An example of an IP Address is …
  33. There are kinds of browser, except …  Google
  34. A hub contains of … ports.     Multiple
  35. Here is the types of computer networks, except ….  GANs
  36. E-mail is any methods of creating, transmitting, or storing primarily text-based human communications with … communication.     Digital

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